How many times have you driven around town and seen piles of branches in someone’s front yard, logs from a recently felled tree stacked in a row or clippings from trees strewn about the lawn? Needless to say, it’s a mess—but, more than that, all of this natural debris can cause headaches for you if they’re not properly picked up!
With fall right around the corner, you can bet that yard work is going to be a top priority right now, and that means tree care in Peru, IN. And when all of the droppings from your trees end up on your lawn, they have to go somewhere. Now, if you don’t have kids you can send out to rake the lawn, the duty is going to fall on you to make sure they’re cleaned up before the winter snows bury them… otherwise you’re going to be left with lots of decomposition come spring.
Tons of natural debris strewn throughout your lawn can also serve as an attractant for bugs and other pests. Weevils, stink bugs, roaches and all sorts of rodents will be looking to build nests, feast on foliage or just enjoy a natural habitat… and when your lawn is littered with natural debris, it’s going to be a welcome invitation for them!
With all of these things in mind, when it comes to tree care in Miami County, IN, it pays to trust professionals who will clean up entirely after themselves when your trees are through being serviced. At Helmuth Tree Service, we offer our customers nothing short of a clean landscape when we’re through, to eliminate these headaches and leave you fully prepped for the season ahead.